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Specialty Practice: Talent Acquisition & Hiring Effectiveness

Talent assessment is one of the most critical functions for any company at any stage of its life cycle.  The benefits of effective hiring are clear, but the impact and costs of poor hiring process and decisions, while not always fully measured, are very significant if not the cause of outright failure. However, many companies struggle with hiring, not only because of aggressive growth targets and the competitive nature of talent markets, but primarily because recruiting practices and essential assessment skills are not fully developed, the hiring decisions are not evidence based, and rarely are they analyzed fully after the fact for effectiveness.    


We have built a specialized talent evaluation practice, including a proprietary methodology for structured, evidence-based interviewing and disciplined, informed hiring decision making models in order to:


  • Guide Companies to Build Franchise-Enhancing Hiring Systems as a Core, Sustainable, Value Creating Competency


  • Deliver our Proprietary Candidate Evaluation Methodology To Identify New Employees Who Are Not Just A-Players, but Are True Value Generators.


Here is our defining difference: most consultants say they are focused on helping managers hire “A players” – employees who appear to have succeeded in particular jobs and companies so far in their careers.  But how do you really know if that person's prior success will repeat in future roles and in a new and different organization?


In our methodology,  “A” is for “Alpha.”   We will lead you to do intelligent and thorough assessment to identify candidates we call Agile Value Creators (AVCs)TM: These are individuals demonstrating not only a verifiable track record of accomplishment, but who have a consistent professional history of being additive to jobs and companies, delivering well above-average returns to the business longer term. These are individuals who have not only the skills to deliver in one specific role, but who also demonstrate a set of abilities that can be leveraged more broadly in the organization and fill critical talent gaps.


By building evidence-supported “structure” into the methods, type and content of interviews and feedback, we can mitigate  reliance on unsupported, out-of-context and random candidate self-identification, thus, increasing the predictive value of interviews and accuracy of hiring decisions quite meaningfully. And that drives marked and ongoing improvement in hiring effectiveness.  


With the exception of search/offer negotiation/candidate extraction, we work with clients on every element of the hiring ecosystem, including diagnostics, workforce planning/budgeting, job analyses/descriptions, success competency taxonomies, candidate interview and assessment, feedback collection, decision making models and protocols, candidate experience, onboarding, business management analytics and accountability.  This work can be as expansive or as focused as clients require:​

  • Bespoke, Focused Projects: We work with companies to target particular gaps and help optimize any specific stage of the hiring and talent assessment process. Our structured, systematic, standardized and inclusive methods and protocols that are still flexible and customizable enough for particular roles, resource constraints and unique organizational cultures. These techniques apply to all levels of hiring, from junior to most experienced.​


  • Training/Coaching: We offer intensive and engaging manager training (group and individual) about how to engage objectively and probe effectively in interviews with candidates to collect critical evidence and insights. Importantly, we coach those involved in hiring to become aware of and manage their inherent filters and heuristics that often compromise the credibility and accuracy of reactions, thinking and hiring decisions.


  • Individual Candidate Assessment: We are retained by companies and hiring managers who are engaged in critical searches to provide incisive evaluation of individual candidates using our proprietary, comprehensive “Pro-Bio” TM interview method.


Photo credit: AQPC

Renovation, Reconstruction…Building Entire Hiring Systems as Internal Competency:


Starting with a thoughtful, in-depth, data-based analysis of historical hiring practices, a full audit of strengths and gaps in what has been done (what, how and why) and an inventory of key success drivers/factors, our mandate is to guide companies to develop highly effective candidate assessment techniques and robust hiring decision-making frameworks that fuse our proprietary methodologies with organization-specific needs, goals and resources:

  • We tailor our rigorous methods to client-specific needs, and we apply coordinated “systems thinking” to solve and pre-empt problems for every step of hiring.

  • We build inclusion seamlessly into every step and process to drive improvements in the cognitive diversity of the organization.

  • We integrate analytics, data, metrics and diagnostics, verifiable evidence-based insights and mistake learning into all stages of our projects with a real focus on continuous improvement.

  • We ensure hiring systems harmonize properly with incumbent-employee programs and post-hire HR processes (e.g. performance management, compensation, leadership development, promotion and organizational design).

  • We fuse these human capital processes with strategic and pressing business imperatives, priorities and goals.

  • We help companies build constructive accountability for managers in order to understand the gaps and to recognize and reward those who drive and assist improvements in hiring effectiveness. 

  • We engage, partner with and train/coach HR every step of the way with a vision for them to become the proactive and indispensible go-to partners, leaders and standard bearers of effective assessment and hiring.


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