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Specialty Practice: Business & Individual Coaching

Drawing on our knowledge and experience developing and coaching talent from entry-level employees up to the most senior leaders, we can offer a range of services, either within the context of a company or for individuals outside of organizations. We can work with clients on a short-term basis to help craft solutions to particular challenges or on a long-term basis with a focus on continuous improvement, but we always strive to build self sufficiency and sustainable progress.

Photo credit: Jack Johnson

Management & Leadership

We coach experienced managers who want to improve their effectiveness, whether it relates to the details of day-to-day activities or to the more strategic and abstract art of leadership.  We also specialize in working with people who find themselves facing the unique challenges of being a first-time manager, such as entrepreneurs building companies as well as those in more traditional settings who have been newly promoted or have been given the opportunity to take on a larger team or broader span of control.


Areas of focus include: defining and building strong cultures; translating individual vision into tangible agendas to engage/motivate others; setting appropriate accountability metrics; managing risk and complexity; resource allocation and decision making under uncertainty; strategic planning, goal setting and budgeting; crisis and change management; communication skills to build authenticity and credibility.

Career Development

We work with individuals to help them shape and evolve their careers, from success in their current roles to overcoming obstacles to realizing the next stretch job. We also coach professionals who have great experience and valuable expertise but who are navigating career pivots and searching for new challenges and opportunities to innovate.


We teach people how to process and respond to feedback, leverage existing abilities, develop new expertise, build robust and diverse networks, improve job search/interview skills, design business plans and learning agendas, and to differentiate and communicate their own personal brands. 


We also partner with companies to design and implement effective training, talent management and mentoring/sponsorship programs, and how to identify, motivate and develop high potential employees as well as remediate or transition those who are lagging.


We coach individuals with regard to an array of issues including: 

assessing, hiring and developing talent; managing  others and developing effective leadership styles; navigating organizations; giving, soliciting and processing feedback; career evolution, disruption and redefinition; interpersonal skills; self awareness and emotional intelligence; overcoming weakness and resolving performance issues; dealing with change and adversity; resilience/agility; presentation, communication and listening skills; bringing creative abilities into play; pushing beyond comfort zones and non-consensus thinking. At times, we can simply be a sounding board around particular struggles.


Hiring and developing top-tier talent is crucial, but building high functioning, productive and creative teams and networks can be especially challenging and is essential to the viability and success of any organization.  We consult on issues such as crafting and optimizing organizational and team structure; building diverse teams and eliminating biases and silos; building accountability and progress processes; goal setting and measuring continuous learning relative to objectives; cross functional/cross regional collaboration and facilitating information flow; getting in sync but avoiding groupthink and pre-mortem/postmortem assessments; dealing with obstacles, setbacks and failures; reducing bureaucracy and hierarchy in organizations.


We also have a particular expertise in managing and resolving conflicts that arise inevitably among group members or across different teams and when individual goals do not align with company imperatives.

Other photo credits this page: AQPC, Jerry Clum

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